From Scarcity to Success: Senthil's Journey with Jiva Devices

About Vipasa
About the device - Jiva water, with its unique properties, has been found to enhance the absorption of nutrients by plants, leading to improved crop growth and yield. It can improve soil quality, water uptake, and nutrient distribution, resulting in better plant health. Quantum Electro Dynamics based Jiva devices offer significant benefits to farmers by enhancing water's natural life sustaining qualities, promoting soil health, and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Studies have shown that Jiva water can increase crop yield, making it an effective and eco-friendly choice for irrigation
Water is a precious resource, especially for farmers who rely on it for their crops. Water scarcity is a major challenge for farmers who rely on this precious resource for their crops.
Like many farmers in the region, Senthil relied on borewells for irrigation. When many borewells got sunk in his region, farmers then had to resort to drip irrigation to water their fields. However, despite Senthil’s best efforts, he was not getting the desired results from his crops. The yield of his turmeric crop was particularly disappointing.That's when a friend recommended Jiva water devices to him. Jiva devices are designed to restore water to its natural state of life energy. He decided to give it a try and was amazed by the results.
Senthil Kumar was impressed with the improvement in the quality and quantity of his crops after using Jiva water devices. The crops grown with Jiva water had better taste, texture, and aroma, and the moisture level in the soil increased, leading to remarkable yields. Additionally, the soil became a good fertilizer. Based on his experience, Senthil recommends Jiva water devices to other farmers looking to improve the quality and yield of their crops while maintaining healthy soil

Fed with
Jiva Water
Senthil Kumar experienced significant improvements in his crops with Jiva water, the tuber formation of his turmeric crop improved significantly. The moisture level in the soil increased, and the quality and quantity of the yield were re-markable. The soil even became a good fertilizer.

Fed with
Normal Water
Senthil's turmeric crops were not growing as he had hoped, and the soil was not retaining moisture as it should. The half-acre where he had plant-ed onions using normal water resulted in lower crop yield in both quantity and quality. The roots of the onion plants were weak and not strong enough to support a healthy crop.
The onion crop grown with Jiva water had better quality and quantity, with a much stronger root system. The stem and bulb of the onion were also noticeably better. In comparison, the onions grown with normal water had weaker roots, and the overall quality and quantity of the crops were lower.
Senthil was also able to achieve similar results with his tomato crop. The plants grew faster and stronger from the root, and the yield was of good quality. These improvements were achieved even while using drip irrigation, indicating that the Jiva water device was able to enhance the water absorption and nutrient uptake of the plants.
Tuber formation:
Senthil observed a significant improvement in the tuber formation of his turmeric crop after using Jiva water. This resulted in a better quality and quantity of yield.
Moisture level:
The water absorption in plants and moisture level in the soil increased after using Jiva water, which is important for healthy plant growth.
Better Soil Quality:
The Jiva Water Device helped maintain the quality of the soil, ensuring that it remains fertile and healthy for the crops.
Senthil Kumar was impressed with the improvement in the quality and quantity of his crops after using Jiva water devices. The crops grown with Jiva water had better taste, texture, and aroma, and the moisture level in the soil increased, leading to remarkable yields. Additionally, the soil became a good fertilizer. Based on his experience, Senthil recommends Jiva water devices to other farmers looking to improve the quality and yield of their crops while maintaining healthy soil